Hello, lovelies! How was that Full Moon in Pisces for ya? 🌝🤍
It knocked me out, lemme tell ya that! Our big fat Super Blue Moon was standing next to Saturn, Lord of karma and consequences, and I felt that.
I was being my usual impulsive self, jumping ahead out of excitement, and I had an incident happen that lovingly reigned me back in, reminded me to be more mindful of the people around me, and the legacy I was building off of.
I was invited to facilitate a private Full Moon Circle for my friend’s membership. It was lovely, and totally reignited my love for facilitation! 🥰
But due to some crossed wires, I ended up having a misunderstanding with a loved one, which had me cutting the celebrations short to work things out.
It was the perfect manifestation of MARS in LIBRA ☄️. Our planet of action has moved into its sign of detriment, i.e. warrior go-getter Mars isn’t all that happy in the sign of peaceful, harmonious & diplomatic Libra. ⚖️ Yet, I felt like it was the exact energy I needed to work with. Because my loved one and I were both committed to talking it out, we were able to nip the issue in the bud that, if left to fester, would’ve been MUCH worse to deal with later on. 🌀
After 7 years of running an empathy training company, I’ve come to accept that conflict is a huge part of relationship-building — and when used correctly, can be a constructive force for our lives.
One last note: As our only planet in an Air sign right now, I believe we can use the power of Mars to take action on the important conversations we’ve been putting off. “Clearing the air” 🌬️ is so crucial at this time, especially now that we’re 12 days into Mercury Retrograde. Sending you love, friends. We got this!
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Now, onto some juicy matters. I’m testing out something new & fun in my newsletter — an advice segment! 👀🤠🌟
I received this DM in my inbox today, and I’ve been mulling it over ever since.
I have the great fortune of having run a company for 7 years, while never having held down a 9–5 job in my life, so I do recognize that I’ve had a different starting point to this work than my fellow practitioners and star-gazers. 🥹 That being said, I will do my best to share what has worked well for me in the now 8 (!!) months that I’ve been a full-time astrologer + content creator…