Hi, friends!

I’m Gwen. 👋

You might know me from Instagram as @TheAsianAstrologer. Otherwise, you stumbled upon me in the ether of Substack. Either way — hello!

Welcome to my humble little Substack community. This is where I go to serve, to run the extra mile, to open up my heart and pour back into the people that make up the quirky, global community I hold so dear. 💓

a cute group snap from my last community circle ✨

You see, I became an astrologer because I believe so strongly that the cosmos isn’t something to fear — in fact, when we start to live in tune with its ebbs and flows, we reconnect back to our truest power. 🪐

However, modern day pop astrology has made it out to be something that is both confusing and terrifying.

“Mercury Retrograde is here!” “Your Eclipse SURVIVAL guide!” “X ways this Full Blood Moon is going to upend your life…”

Survivor Carolyn Meme Generator - Imgflip
reality TV? or another doomsaying Astrology account?

I’m writing this Substack to demystify the cosmos.

To put the power back into your hands, dear reader, where it belongs.

Honestly, I think it’s so cool that you care about the stars.

I think it’d be even cooler if we could go deeper, together.

Not necessarily from a technical perspective…

… but a HUMAN one.

What could our lives look like if we looked back, regularly and mindfully, at how big cosmic shifts play out in our lives? 🌝💫

Let’s find out.

For the past year, I’ve been writing personal, deeply honest newsletters on my lived experience of the stars.

I wrote about getting estranged from my sister during the eclipses. I wrote about nearly breaking up my 7 year relationship on the Venus retrograde. I went on my first solo trip ever on the Sagittarius new moon. You get the drift.

Each of these big things corresponded with a cosmic event unfolding at the time.

And I started to get messages from so many of you, saying:

“You’ve inspired me to look at what’s happening in my life, too.”

That’s when I knew I was on to something.

I could marry the two things I love most —

Personal stories, and the cosmos — into one unlikely, beautiful, magical thing:


Here are a few top posts as voted by you, dear readers:

Every week or so, you’ll receive a cosmic newsletter from me in your inbox. 💌

It will be, at times, honest, informative, practical, inspirational, and personal. It will illuminate what is currently unfolding in the cosmos — along with stories from my life to contextualize it.

It will sometimes include some creative goodies, like voiceovers, horoscopes, card pulls, or even poetry.

⌇ My goal for this Substack is two fold:

  1. To connect deeper with you, my beloved community,

  2. To demystify the cosmos through real, human stories (both mine AND yours!)

    I Volunteer As Tribute Pick Me GIF - I Volunteer As Tribute Pick Me Choose  Me - Discover & Share GIFs
    my 14 year old blogging days prepared me for this

I want to create a safe space where we can reflect on our collective and personal experiences, together. To practice being vulnerable and real.

And of course, to deepen our relationship with the stars.

🪐 Ringed Planet on Facebook 13.0

To maintain this safe space, most of the posts (including comments) are available only to paid subscribers. Our paid community doesn’t just keep this newsletter alive — it creates the container for all our stories to be held.

⌇ Paying readers will receive:

  • Full access to everything I write (my personal lived experience of the stars)

  • In-depth updates on current astrological events, and what to expect

  • Full Moon horoscopes for every zodiac sign every month 🌕

  • $20 discount off your first natal chart reading with me

  • Voiceovers, meditations, longform videos, poetry

  • Coming 🔜: Live community circles on Zoom

⌇ Why join the paid community?

  1. Post comments and share your experiences. Comments are open for paying readers to reflect, share, and respond to each other. The more open you are willing to be, the more you’ll take away from each post.

  2. Unlock the full writing on each post. I keep most of my writing behind a paywall, because I believe in creating a safe space for both you and me to share. In-depth astrological updates and horoscopes are always behind the paywall as a gift to paying readers for your endless support 🌷

  3. Gain deeper insight into my experiences as an astrologer. If you are a fellow practitioner, I share tips, tricks and my lived experience as a full-time astrologer, from business tips to how I started giving readings.

  4. Build community with fellow readers. I am a big believer of live connection, so a goal I have for 2024 is more community Zoom circles for paid readers to connect, talk astrology, and build relationships with each other. My last circle was a hit — the attendees are now giving each other readings and subscribing to each other’s Substacks 🥹 I’m in awe!!

  5. And finally, to support my work. If you’ve been a longtime follower of mine on Instagram, and have benefited from the content I make, think of this space as a “patreon” of sorts — your monthly contribution helps me keep the lights on, PLUS you get a ton of bonus content too! 💐

💐 If you’re not able to contribute financially, that’s totally OK too.

Money isn’t the only way you can support your favorite content creators.

Every like, comment, share, re-stack, and forward to a friend goes a MUCH longer way than you can ever imagine.

In fact, I’ve given out free ‘scholarship’ subscriptions to folks in exchange for their active presence alone! So don’t worry. Keep reading, keep commenting, keep showing up.

I appreciate you, and I’m so ridiculously grateful that you’re here.


Gwen 💗

Note: A paid subscription will remain at $5/month until May 2024, and will go up slightly after that. I will always recommend the annual subscription, which is infinitely more affordable & allows us both to commit to each other. Love you!

Subscribe to The Asian Astrologer 🪐

Astrology connects us to the stars. But it is our stories that make us human ⌇ Honest newsletters that blend astrology and human connection. Welcome, I'm so happy you're here ♡


Writer, astrologer, friend. I write honest newsletters on the stars 🪐💧 Lover of words, walks, sunshine and human connection. Keeping it real, always. Dive in, the water's warm ⇣