🪐 the astrology of 2024 🌀 - part one
Pluto enters Aquarius for the next 20 years ⌇ Saturn in Pisces story expands
Hi, friends! Welcome to 2024. If you’re an IG astro girlie (like me), you would’ve already seen dozens of astrologers spilling their hot takes on the astrology of the coming year. I regret to say that I will be joining their ranks. 🤭 This is a paid post, but great news — we’re having a not-so-secret flash sale until Jan 6th 8th with 10% off the annual plan:
So in this meaty two-part post (which I’ll be reading out as well, if you wanna listen to it!), I’ll break down the TOP 5 ASTROLOGICAL EVENTS happening in 2024, and what I think it’ll mean for each of us collectively 🪐
(Curious about your year ahead? You can now book a 2024 reading with me!)
📌 PART ONE: (read PART TWO here 💛)
Pluto enters Aquarius: The dawn of a new 20-year era in January
Saturn’s ‘party’ in Pisces: The Saturn in Pisces story expands in February
I’m excited!! Without further ado, let’s dive in to Part One!
1. Pluto enters Aquarius
The dawn of a new 20-year era ⌇ 21–22 January
Pluto is in the harsh glare of the spotlight in 2024. In 2023, we saw him make a quick ‘n’ casual dip into Aquarius — his new playground for the next 20 (❗️) years — in March. However, because the outer planets are retrograde almost 50% of the time, he soon backtracked into Capricorn, where he’s been executing his reign since 2008.
Pluto rules power and transformation, and in Capricorn, it speaks to structures or foundations crumbling to be built anew. What has come to an end for you in recent times? Look at the area of your chart ruled by Capricorn (see below). This is the area of life that has been touched by Pluto in the past 15 years or so.
29 is an anaretic degree — we are closing a major generational chapter in 2024.
Pluto entered 29° Capricorn most recently on 20 December, so you might notice a particular cycle in that area of life coming to an end, perhaps for good this time.
As a personal example: Capricorn rules my 7th house as a Cancer rising. I’ve been going through a rebirth on 💞 relationship themes all year, and specifically around mid December, I went through a period of breaking down, grieving, and eventually re-committing to my relationship with Shawn. It is still tenuous, and new, and I’m learning to hold things tenderly, without any expectation for what form they might take. That is the medicine of a 29° Pluto.
🌀 Pluto in Capricorn has been transforming this area of life for you…
Aries: 10th house - career, business, profession, legacy
Taurus: 9th house - travel, expansion, higher learning, beliefs, ideals
Gemini: 8th house - rebirth, psyche, mental health, shared resources
Cancer: 7th house - relationships, partnerships, 1:1, commitments
Leo: 6th house - wellness, health, habits, routine, daily work/ritual
Virgo: 5th house - inner child, creativity, joy, pleasure, leisure, risk
Libra: 4th house - family, home, roots, ancestry, inner self
Scorpio: 3rd house - communication, siblings, neighborhood
Sag: 2nd house - value, self worth, security, money
Cap: 1st house - ego, self image, body, personal identity
Aqua: 12th house - endings, spirituality, secrets, dreams
Pisces: 11th house - community, network, hopes, ambitions
Right before Pluto enters Aquarius on 21 January, he conjoins the Sun at 29°. Every time a planet connects with the Sun, it is like being born anew — this is the official ‘rebirth’ of our planet of rebirth. 🌞
Pluto will be in Aquarius from 22 January onwards before retrograding back to Capricorn for ONE FINAL TIME (‼️) between September 1 — November 19. After that, he will be permanently in water-bearer territory until 2043.
Pluto in Aquarius heralds a time of massive technological change. ⚡️ Aquarius is the sign of futurism, humanitarianism, and collective awakening. I can’t wait to see what will unfold over the next 20 years!!
Are you excited for The Age of Aquarius?
2. Saturn’s ‘party’ in Pisces
(Sun-Mercury-Saturn) The Saturn in Pisces story expands ⌇ 28–29 February