capricorn solstice and gemini full moon
quick astro update ꩜ your big dreams deserve real strategy
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Hi friends! How are you doing this week?
That full moon on Sunday knocked me out. The square from Neptune was so felt – I’ve been feeling lethargic, demotivated, and a little out of this world. As the week progressed I fell sick, puking into my porcelain bowl until the blood vessels on my face burst. Needless to say, I’m grateful that I’m feeling well enough to show up for you today.
If you voted “clarity coming through”, good news – Mercury stationed direct, 12 hours after the Full Moon. Mercury was the ruler of this full moon in Gemini, so with him going direct, it’s like the cobwebs were cleared, and there’s a sense of possibility once more. ⭐️
Not forgetting that Mars, our planet of action, is still retrograde: this still isn’t a time for charging ahead, but rather, tuning inwards to better suss out how we want to move forward come the new year.
Thanks for all your participation in the Mars Rx guide, my most popular post to date! Join us as a paid subscriber to unlock access to it forever ♡
Gemini full moon was about striking a balance between what you know and what you do.
Gemini, the eternal student, is about learning more. There is no such thing as too much information! As a mutable Air sign, it stays skimming the surface, like a butterfly flitting from flower to flower 🦋… great for pollination, not so great for deep, embodied integration.
Sagittarius, its sister sign, is the opposite. It doesn’t spend too much time thinking. It wants to get OUT there! Explore, experience, dive in headfirst.
When the Full Moon comes around, it’s about striking a balance between the two. What curiosity have you followed since the Gemini New Moon in June 2024?
For me, I love zooming out to see the bigger picture using Lunar Phase Family cycles (popularized by astrologer April Elliot Kent).
Here’s what I discovered:
New Moon, June 2023: I graduated from Astrology school. 🥺
First Quarter Moon, March 2024: I hit my longtime goal of 100 readings.
Full Moon now, in Dec 2024: I completed my first corporate Astro gig — and hit 200 readings!!! 🎉
What about you? Check your calendar and see what patterns unfold! 📅
I think it’s no coincidence we’re flowing into the Capricorn solstice this week.
Capricorn solstice marks the change of the seasons, and thus, a shifting of gears. The optimistic, high-flying Sagittarius is yanked - kerplunk - back down to Earth.
Capricorns might just be my favorite archetype. I’m a Cancer rising, which means Capricorn rules my Descendant (DC). I attract sea goats like bees to honey. All of my closest friends, housemates, former partners have heavy, heavy Capricorn placements. I’m talking five-planet stelliums, baby!
Capricorns are often seen as the disciplinarians, the hard-workers and wet-blankets of the zodiac… But this is doing them a disservice.
Let us never forget that Capricorns share an axis with their sister sign, Cancer. Underneath that gruff exterior is a mushy, sensitive heart. Capricorns are deeply intuitive — they just channel that intuition differently, through the physical and material world, which they are masters of.
All Capricorns operate on a system.
Whether it’s guided externally (through hierarchy, process, structure), or internally (through values, principles, experiences), they put one foot in front of the other to get to where they’re going.
Have you ever forgotten a task? Messed up a plan? Needed a ride to the airport at 2am because you read the date wrong? (oops) You can always count on a Capricorn. They may shake their head at you in disappointment, but they’ll still be ringing your doorbell as your makeshift Uber ride.
Back to the Gemini Full Moon…
I was shocked to zoom out and see the bigger picture.
I didn’t realize that the seed I’d planted on the Gemini New Moon in 2023 – (graduating from astrology school) – would lead me to completing my first big corporate Astrology gig, on the Gemini Full Moon in 2024.
I don’t think this corporate client would have trusted me as much if I hadn’t graduated. And I don’t think I would have had the courage to go for 100 readings – my First Quarter Moon goal – if I did not go to Astrology school.
✧ Remember my post on glimmers… for Gemini season?
We’ll never anticipate where our glimmers will take us.
But if we follow them, and channel our inner Capricorn by putting one foot in front of the other… we might just find ourselves in the distant future we’ve envisioned.
This Capricorn season, take a look at the reality of your life.
I was chatting with my Capricorn rising friend (see!) who’s a financial advisor.
(Y’all know money isn’t something I think about often. would know.)
She told me, “Building wealth isn’t actually that hard, when you think about it. You calculate your net worth — your assets minus your liabilities. Then you set a financial plan, your risk appetite, how you want to invest. And then you work backwards towards your dreams.”
I have felt disconnected from my finances my whole life. But having this simple, grounded plan empowered me. 💰
She makes it sound so easy. Of course this doesn’t take into account family trauma or socio-economic blocks or any of those things.
But Capricorn is matter-of-fact. That is how it works. Reality.
Remember: Your big dreams deserve real strategy.
If you want to live your dream life, you can start building the foundations for it today.
What are your biggest wins of 2024? What brought you the most joy? What do you want to keep doing in 2025 and beyond?
What do you wish you did more of in 2024? What do you wish to change, surrender, discard, leave behind?
What do you want to work towards in 2025? What values, habits, goals bring a sense of excitement and possibility? What would help you end the year feeling proud and accomplished?
Take some time to ponder these things, whether here or in your journal, as we lead up to the Capricorn New Moon on 30th December. ✍️
The comments are open for your reflections…
What is your relationship with Capricorn energy? Do you love it or hate it? Do you find this reframe at all helpful?
How was that Full Moon in Gemini for you? I normally write horoscopes for paid readers, but I think it may finally be time to phase that out. I do want to stay connected though, so if you comment your experiences (with your Rising sign), I’ll share a personal horoscope, just for you. 💙
Comment one PIECE OF REALITY you wanna use Capricorn season to confront. For me, it’s my money. I’ll be planning for my taxes and possibly incorporating TAA into an official biz (eeeek). Wish me luck!
Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays in advance, my friends.
I’ll see you in the next one!
Gwen x
Hey friends! The comments are open for your reflections…
1. What is your relationship with Capricorn energy? Do you love it or hate it? Do you find this reframe at all helpful?
2. How was that Full Moon in Gemini for you? I normally write horoscopes for paid readers, but I think it may finally be time to phase that out. I do want to stay connected though, so if you comment your experiences (with your Rising sign), I’ll share a personal horoscope, just for you. 💙
3. Comment one PIECE OF REALITY you wanna use Capricorn season to confront. For me, it’s my money. I’ll be planning for my taxes and possibly incorporating TAA into an official biz (eeeek). Wish me luck!
Eeeek I can't believe we met during that new moon (many moons ago) hehe.
I also fell sick under the full moon. The 12th house stuff really came up and out 🤢😩
My relationship with Cap energy is challenged. My dad is one of those super stellium Capricorns and we always had a rough relationship. As I get older, I'm starting to heal those parts of me that needed him when he chose money instead. I took on a lot of responsibility too soon (sun/Mercury opp Saturn) and have held onto it like a comfort blanket. I realize it no longer brings me the comfort it once did to be in control of EVERYTHING. So I'm trying to loosen the reigns and reach out for support which is the hardest thing for me.