
A couple days ago, Shawn said to me: "Are you making time for what matters to you?" and it really hit me. So one morning, when I woke up feeling particularly chaotic, I wrote in my journal first thing. I know everyone talks about Morning Pages but I've really struggled to make something like that a habit. But wow – it was like a scrub for my brain. I felt cleansed. I saw the world with fresh, clean eyes. Somehow, by getting the Air out first thing, I was able to change the narrative. So that's gonna be my new go-to practice from now on. 🧼🐝🌬️ What's yours?

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Loved this one a lot! Especially the back story that it just flowed out of you, which only happens when we truly let the mind goooo. As a Gemini rising and Aquarius midheaven, I am either right in the details or so far up in big visionary philosophies, it can be hard to stay tethered!! Your post made me consider that Jupiter in Gemini invites us to focus on the details to expand the bigger picture! To get curious about something specific and small; and see where the story leads 😍

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Oooooh.... I like that imagery! Like following breadcrumbs to a bigger discovery ✨💡 It really is all about that duality at the end of the day, isn't it? I'm so happy I trusted my intuition and allowed this piece to flow out of me 🥹 Love you Bry!

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Jun 2Liked by Gwen Yi 🌻

Great read, Gwen! I'm personally THRIVING, and am having a hard time remembering that a lot of people probably find these transits scattered/overwhelming. My Libra ascendant plus Aquarius Mercury and Moon work much better when there's Gemini in the mix to complete the air trine. I also have Jup in very late Taurus so growing up most of my classmates/direct peers had Jupiter in Gemini so I'm very used to being immersed in those vibes. Again, trying to remember that not everyone loves this lol

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Omg I love this 😮‍💨😮‍💨 the alternate perspective is SO needed!! It actually makes me happy to know other people are thriving because it reminds me of the bigger tapestry that we’re all a part of 🥲 I suppose this is what it’s like when it’s a Water heavy time and my 5 planets in Water are splashing around while everyone else is 🥶🤣✨ thank you for sharing Jaime (and I’m so happy for you!!!!)

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This is so interesting! My own natal Jupiter is in Libra, so its transit into Gemini has felt refreshing so far. Wholeheartedly agree on introducing practices that allow for more airflow - thank you for some of these ideas!

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Oh I love that Olga! Truly goes to show how diverse everyone’s experiences are based on our personal astrology 🤩 what is your fave way of getting some airflow for your natal Jupiter? I’m curious!

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As Libra would have it, I think for me it’s a good one-on-one conversation with someone!

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Wishing you many fruitful collaborative conversations while Jupiter is in Gem!! 💎

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