
I'll go first! πŸ₯° This is my first time giving y'all these reflection questions, let me know if they stick! And share your answers too, ok~

1. I'm so grateful for community this Taurus season. I feel like I've really deepened into my friendships in a way that I never have before, and it shows. Soaking up all the love and camaraderie and dancing and nature. (Taurus rules my 11th house πŸ§šβ€β™€οΈ so it makes sense!!)

2. Honestly, the more aligned I am with my intuition / inner knowing, the luckier I am. I've really been struggling with my sleep lately so I think that has impinged on my luck, somehow. Anyone can back this up? 🫠

3. If I were Jupiter, I would choose to expand my capacity to give more 1:1 readings!!!! (This is not an ad, I really mean it.) I just had the loveliest reading this morning and it reminds me how much I LOVE connecting with people through their astrology πŸ₯ΉπŸ₯ΉπŸ₯ΉπŸ₯Ή Teaching, sharing, giving gentle permission slips to embody their true self. I LOVE ALL OF IT ok bye

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May 21Liked by Gwen Yi 🌻

I’m new here (thanks to your Caroline interview!) So thank you for opening the comment section πŸ’— After reading this, I had an ah-ha about my relationship… A pretty weird/rebellious thing happened to us last week that caused a tidal wave of info that I had to carefully process and communicate through (def Venus x Uranus related, plus Merc in Taurus!) Rather than just move on and fall into the same ruts, I feel like I’ll be a lot luckier if I take advantage of the new knowledge we were provided about our relationship: An opportunity to create more thrill than chill.

Meanwhile, I’m so stoked you found abundance and gratitude AND proactively celebrated this next chapter! When life feels stagnant or even unstable, a little celebration can definitely flip that energy! πŸŽ‰

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Oh wow, I love this!!!! "Create more thrill than chill." Sounds like Gemini season medicine if I've ever heard one πŸ€£πŸ§šβ€β™€οΈ That definitely sounds very Venus x Uranus! Unexpected insight leading to new ways of being. I'm so happy this post managed to spark that insight for you.

(Welcome to our cozy little cosmic community, btw! πŸ₯Ή Yayyy!)

And I totally agree with what you said – "a little celebration / gratitude can flip the energy." I'm definitely feeling it. Slowly, but surely β™‘

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May 21Liked by Gwen Yi 🌻

Eee, thank you for having me!! πŸ₯° Oh my gosh, I feel like I'm in desperate need of Gemini season!! πŸ˜‚ AND this upcoming Full Moon in Sag. All mixed up with the Equinox, I am ready for it!!

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May 21Liked by Gwen Yi 🌻

I try my best to give gratitude every single day. I'm alive. I know that sounds clichΓ© but having lost so many important people in the last few years I really have to give thanks that I'm still here and presented with opportunity every day.

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I love that Kristi πŸ₯ΉπŸ₯ΉπŸ₯Ή what a powerful way to live β™‘

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