Apr 19Liked by Gwen Yi 🌻

I teared up right towards the end of this post 💗 thank you so so much for sharing this. It's lovely to hear about your experiences. For me this transit will be in my 6th house and I have been working towards better habits, putting in effort to improve and maintain my health, generally just really showing up for myself more diligently. I'm also very much pulled to change careers or at least jobs, the exhaustion from my current one has recently peaked. There IS however already something on the horizon for me; I'll have a phone call later today. It's somewhat of a surprise yet I'm very open to it and I think the universe & spirit sees this. I feel like I'll be rewarded, at least I believe I will for how consistently I've been showing up for myself as I had promised myself.

Again, thank you so much for sharing this wisdom with us Gwen and I wish you the most amazing time on the 21st in community. Love you very much and so looking forward to seeing more from you 💗💗 I wish for you to be blessed beyond measure <3

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Apr 25Liked by Gwen Yi 🌻

Loved and enjoyed reading this dose of inspiration, thanks Gwen! Astrology is such a beautiful mirror... with the transit, I have been feeling a shake-up in my 2nd house and establishing my worth and value - but with it opposing my Mars chart ruler I am getting deep to really understand the details of it all ha Scorpio energyyyy xxx

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Apr 22·edited Apr 28Liked by Gwen Yi 🌻

"being stuck in a way of being in the world..." oooh this resonates so much. I've been getting the biggest mirrors and learnings through my one on one encounters/relationships lately (Taurus falls in my 7H)... feeling the change that is taking place in how I relate to the other that is proportional the way I'm changing the view of how I relate to myself.

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Apr 21Liked by Gwen Yi 🌻

Uranus is in Sagittarius at 25 degrees in my 7th house. Jupiter is at 22 degrees of Scorpio in my 6th house. I’ve been feeling that I’ve needed to change jobs since before the pandemic. I’ve applied for a lot of jobs on & off in that period & even had interviews. I’ve been going through the motions, but have really felt the need to change jobs the last few weeks. I have written down what I want at/from my next job and really hope it’s coming to fruition soon!

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