today, I am choosing myself.
a deeply vulnerable one for the Aries north node eclipse. welcome to the portal 🌀
Do you know who you are? Do you know what you want?
Hi, my name is Gwen, and I don’t. But I’m about to find out.
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We are in the eclipse portal now, my friends. On Monday 8th April, at 2:21pm Eastern time, we will have a total solar eclipse in Aries — right next to Chiron and the North Node.
I’ve always heard that the North Node is associated with insatiable hunger. There is a feral quality to my desire that feels impossible to ignore right now. Eclipses already feel like Fate on steroids, but in my experience it’s usually a push factor, something that happens externally that shifts your entire worldview.
This time, it’s a pull. The dragon, rearing its head.
And I can’t ignore it any longer.
Chiron is our wounded healer. Illuminating our deepest shame and desires.
Over the weekend, at a witchy oracle circle I hosted with my friends, I had a huge realization about mine.
“My question is about my relationship with Shawn, again,” I said, shaking my head.
Zoey shuffles the cards, looking at me expectantly.
“God, I feel so annoying. It’s always the same problem.”
“Never feel bad about sharing the same thing,” my friend Nat said, her empathy a balm, giving me the courage to be honest. I decided to open up to them all.
“A big reason why I’m questioning is because of sex,” I say.