Well...I don't know what any of it means but I still love reading it. I think I'm searching for something of myself in your words but still don't know if I'm finding it. But hey...I'm still here!

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I have been on a journey of dealing with past trauma and integrating my shadow self. I'm approaching a time of big changes in my life, and I've become more and more aware of how my past hurts can resurface as reactions and might hurt my loved ones as well. But mainly I've been seeing how the critical, bullying language of what I was subjected to by my stepdad when I was still a boy, have become my own script and that I've been using the selfsame language to continue hurting myself day-in and day-out. I'm learning to be more compassionate towards myself, as I find it easier being compassionate towards others, even those who continue to hurt me. ❤️

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Thanks for explaining these concepts more in-depth Gwen 🙏 Definitely super useful for someone like me who is still a noob when it comes to astrology. It's like you explained; definitely a season of healing old wounds and looking back before looking to the future 🔥🌚🔥

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