Love this share so much Gwen! It’s wild how deeply entrenched “anti-fun, hyper-work” is in our world that prioritizing fun feels dirty (that title made me chuckle with intrigue!). So proud and happy that you’re going against the grain of everything you’ve known to follow the flow of what feels most right, right now. It sounds like important “work”, a step in your journey towards redefining and reexperiencing what abundance means. I intuitively feel like it’s a beautiful chapter of life being like “Can you REALLY have fun Gwen, even if not everything is working how you thought it would?” And your answer is yes so life’s answer will continue being yes too 💕

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Bry, I love this idea of PLAY as WORK 🥺✨🫶🏻 everything about this comment hits me so hard and made me cry. Yes it really is an opportunity to redefine what ABUNDANCE looks like to me!

This line in particular got me 😭: “Your answer is yes so life’s answer will continue being yes too.” Even without realizing we are always cocreating. I LOVE YOUUUU ‼️

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I’d love to hear from you! How do you balance between “hustle” and “play”? Do you feel shame or guilt when you have too much fun? _Are you also Asian / a minority?_ 😆🫶🏻🤸‍♀️ It feels so scary to write this post and own my truth. I’d love to hear yours so I don’t feel so alone!

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Totally resonate Especially as a Cap Rising when I’m not working towards something for my future, I almost feel inadequate or like I’m doing something wrong. When in reality alll my Leo moon wants to do is just ENJOY this life. I dream of not having to constantly strive and survive and barely make it. As a Black woman I feel so guilty for indulging in pleasure because I know suffering we endure. These days I wish I could just swing on the playground and laugh until my stomach hurts but life has felt more like a crushing responsibility.

Maybe the answer lies in the question of what play means to me.

Thank you Gwen for your vulnerability. It’s truly beautiful to witness your evolution and how you navigate the fullness of this complex life

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Thank you for this reflection my sweet friend 🥺✨ I have so much empathy for Cap risings because of this! Your desire for both play and security are valid (ugh, I feel like I’m writing this to myself too).

I love your little Leo Moon — play is such a big part of what nurtures her, I love that you’re thinking about what play means to you (and what needs it fulfills also!). I hope you can give yourself an afternoon to just let loose on the playground 🛝 no one is gonna judge you! 🤸‍♀️✨🫶🏻

If you do end up doing it, let me know how it goes. Rooting for you always!! 🥹

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You know I haven’t been to the playground in a minute. I’m going to make it goal by the end of this week to go on the swings 🛝, I’ll let you know how it goes ❣️

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YESSSSSSS 🤩🤩🤩🤸‍♀️🫶🏻 this makes me so excited!!!!! Tag me in a pic when you’re there, have so much fun!

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I didn’t have to chance to get a picture because I was soo in the moment. I got on the swings and it was absolutely amazing. I could feel the fear melt off my body as I swung up and down, could care less about anything but being. Made me realize I don’t play enough and I’m always walking around with this tension in my body. That’s why I set up Dance alarms throughout my day reminding to relax into my body through play. These Capricorn rising bones could definitely use some movement 😂

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DANCE ALARMS ⏰💃‼️ I looooove this idea!!!! What!!!! I’m so happy to read about your experiences on the swings love. Ahhhhh. Pure bliss 💫🤸‍♀️ thanks for sharing this with all of us!!!

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Ohhhh Gwen! Thank you for the shoutout. What IF you’re not here to hustle or toil or really “work”? What if you here to play and have so much fun? What if you receive an abundance of joy and money by having fun? I think this is where we’re headed and I really believe it’s possible

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WHAT IF INDEED!!!!!! 🥹🤸‍♀️💓 I loved everything about this. My ultimate dream come true. Holding this vision for all of us 🫶🏻🙏🏼 Thank you Kelsey!!!!!

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This was a delight to read! It made me feel lighter just hearing about your experiences. Sometimes it does feel like the rug is going to be pulled out from under you - but maybe it's to go on a magic carpet ride?

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I’m obsessed with the imagery of this!!!! 🤸‍♀️✨⭐️🌙🤩🌌 *bursts into A Whole New World* thank you Clover, your comment made me smile so wideeee :-)

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This is full proof of what happens when you follow your heart, Gwen! So many beautiful opportunities opening up—it's inspiring to witness you lean into play!! Weeeeeee 🎢❤️ LOVE YOU!!! I just wish you were coming a bit further north 🤭 soooo close 🫱🫲

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Omggggg — and to think I gave you the homework of saying “YES” to everything this week, and this opportunity came up! Saying no didn’t even cross my mind 🙈💃💞 we are expanding each other from afar my loveeee!!! I only wish I could come up to hug you in Pai. Next time for sure!!! 👒🤸‍♀️🥹💫

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Aug 19Liked by Gwen Yi 🌻

for the last couple years, my motto has been, "pagsasaya lang" (tagalog) which in english translates to, "just have fun". like what you wrote, i also used to feel guilty that i didn't feel ambition in the way i was taught to. always up and up and up and up but here i am today, coasting, feeling happier than ever and also on a path i *enjoy* traveling

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“coasting, feeling happier than ever on the path I enjoy traveling.” 🧳🌺😭😭☁️ I love this so much Justine!!!! YES YES YES to it all.

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I’m really proud and inspired by your bravery to live a life authentic to you 💗💗💗

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🥹🥹🥹🥹 I love you.

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Wow, this was amazing!!!! I loved every morsel of this!!! Wow, thank you ✨🌟💛 I am inspired to invite more play 🥰

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Ah thank you sweet love. I loved your latest post as well 🥹☄️🕊️ here’s to more play, more joy, more being, always x

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Aug 12Liked by Gwen Yi 🌻

Feel this so hard (as you know hah)!! I am loving that the synchronicities of the universe are gifting you and encouraging you as you lean into what’s hard and right (so strange that having more fun can be hard ..!) x

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It IS so strange right!!!!! Why is fun so hard!!!!!! 🤸‍♀️🐛🌀🥹 here’s hoping it gets easier as we choose it more. Love ya Larissa x

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This was BEAUTIFUL to read! Saving this quote in my notes, “Life isn’t just hustle and struggle and counting down the hours till you can go play. Life is one big playground.” ❤️ xo Carla

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😍🛝🐛🤸‍♀️💥 I love everything about this, Carla!!! So happy my words resonate. Life is one big playground indeed 🥰

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‘I am learning to honor my internal ebbs and flows.’ Such lovely words x

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I'm so happy that stood out to you, Ange!! 🥹💖

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I loved this post so much! Cheers to more play and more joy - they are birthrights indeed. Oh, and have a wonderful time in Bangkok! I lived there for 5 years - happy to share recs!

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Aug 11·edited Aug 11Author

OMGGGGG. YESSSS RAMYA. 🇹🇭 I don't think I'll have much time (the schedule is PACKED!) but if there was *one* must-visit food/brunch place, what would you recommend? 😍 I'll be in the vicinity of Thammasat Association!!

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Aug 11Liked by Gwen Yi 🌻

GWEN! I LOOOOVEEE THIS. I really struggle with fun. Think 5h Capricorn, little fire in my chart and so much saturn influence. But yes these past few months the universes has been throwing in way too many opportunities to take it easy, relax, play and have fun. And it feels almost wrong, almost sinnical- like i believe this is a whole new paradigm of work we have never known before and it's such a trick to see the blessing in this greatest gift 🎁 which tbh many times I don't even see as a gift because I'm so used to seeing work as 90% of my day, my week, my life. Work as no time to chill. Work as hustle, exhausting never ending hustle. Either this or that but lately the universe has been making it both and it's almost baffling and bothering haha! Thank you for the piece during a venus in virgo transit, as a virgo rising, big permission slip to play 💘

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SHIVANI BABY! 💖 I feel you SOOO hard. Work used to take up 90% of my time too and the crazy thing is, no one bats an eyelid in Asian culture?!? But now that it’s the reverse it feels so WRONG! Which is wild to think about!! I love that the universe has been giving you opportunities to relax, take it easy, and have fun. Play on my beautiful Virgo rising ♍️🤸‍♀️🥰

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Aug 13Liked by Gwen Yi 🌻

Asian culture!!! Ofcourse it's a blasphemy to live a workday in fun when your peers slog for 5-6 days 10 official hours (and so many unofficial) daily. But i think we can give them big permission slips - oh such a permission slip to not try to match them??

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So true 🥺🥺🥺 I need to remind myself to be grateful for my privilege of fun, while also being conscious not to try and match then (coz I’m hyper aware of it and sometimes I don’t wanna make them feel bad yknow!). Love unpacking this with you 💋 soooo rich!!

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I knowwwww 🥹cheers to breaking the cycle 🌝☁️✨🪐🔥

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