spirituality is a leap of faith 🪂
we're letting go of limiting beliefs under this big ole Jupiter-Uranus conjunction. ready? let's dive in ⊹
I was scrolling on Instagram when an ad caught my eye.
“Aura photography,” it says. “One day only.”
Something sparked, deep in my gut. I clicked into it. It was a traveling aura photographer that hosts pop-ups, coming to Kuala Lumpur on April 20th.
April 20th. That date seemed familiar…
Suddenly, it clicked.
The day of the Jupiter-Uranus conjunction. 😳
“Is this an omen? A sign?” I whispered to myself. Without thinking too much, I found myself booking a slot and forking over RM470 (~$100 USD).
I never make impulse purchases like this, and indeed afterwards I felt a little weird, but I chalked it up to expansion. Something was brewing.
Little did I know how deep it would actually go.
Happy Taurus season, my friends! 🌸
The Sun is finally entering the sign of the Bull today — a lush, sensual, grounded time where everything just feels a little more peaceful. Taurus energy is closely tied to the Buddha, so you might be more mindful, taking joy from a sunset or a home cooked meal. It is a good time to reconnect with your body and the Earth. 🌿
This Taurus season kicks off with what most astrologers have been calling “the most exciting astrological event of the year” —
After all, it isn’t everyday that two outer planets meet for a celestial kiss.
🪐 ⇣ Astro Breakdown ⇣ 🪐
🔥 Jupiter is the planet of growth, luck, and expansion. It rules travel, philosophy, and higher learning, and is closely tied to the archetype of Sagittarius, the wanderer in search of Truth.
⚡️ Uranus is the planet of electricity, ingenuity, and change. It rules invention, revolution, anything that involves breaking free of the norm. Think: Einstein energy. It is the modern ruler of Aquarius, the creative genius.
When they rendezvous for the first time in 14 years, sparks fly. 💫
*cue Taylor Swift song*
On April 20, Jupiter will be meeting up with Uranus in Taurus, at 21 degrees. ♉️
Jupiter is the great expander. Whatever it touches becomes amplified. In this case, we will be feeling Uranian themes very strongly this week. ⚡️
You might feel the need to break free of something, like a restriction, a situation, or a limiting belief.
You might notice that you have actually evolved quite far from what you originally thought — like how today, I prepared an entire meal from scratch in less than an hour, and I broke the belief that it is difficult to nourish myself in a time-crunch (how Taurus-coded of me! 👩🍳).
The truth is, what Jupiter-Uranus will activate will be very specific to your chart.
Is it very close to any of your angles? (Ascendent, Midheaven, etc)
Is it very close to any of your personal planets? (Sun, Moon, Mercury, etc)
But more importantly…
Are you willing to be moved? To be changed? To be a vessel for insight? 💡
Jupiter can only expand what is willing.
Uranus can only shake up what is willing to be shifted.
Our capacity for growth is tempered only by our willingness for change.
Comment down below if you have any placements close to 21º Taurus/Leo/Aquarius/Scorpio! My mercury is at 22º Aqua 👀
Two weeks after I booked the aura photography session, I received a cancellation email. “I didn’t get enough bookings,” it said. “Here’s a full refund.”
I got that zing again, something deep inside telling me something else was coming.
That was the week I had the big eclipse epiphanies about my relationship. 🥵 (Paid readers, I have a quick status update for you in the comments)
In the midst of all the turmoil, I received a message from my spiritual friend, Josh.
“There’s a inner child healing workshop happening on April 21,” he said. “I think you should go.”
I checked the price.
It was the exact amount that was refunded back to me. 😳
Spiritual teachers and community is something I have always craved, but found it difficult to open myself up to. But in the spirit of Jupiter-Uranus, I decided to give it a chance.
The teacher was patient, but incisive. Her kind eyes bore into me as she laid out all the baggage I carried in my body, the varied wounds that lived in my psyche. It was honestly fascinating to see it all spelled out like that. I told her I was ready to heal. Ready for the next phase of my spiritual journey.
When it came time to fork over the money, however, I hesitated.
It was funny. Like an ingrained response.
I already knew I was committed. But it felt like I was standing at the edge of a cliff, parachute on, hesitating at the last step.
The teacher looked me in the eye, said something I will never forget:
“Spirituality is about a leap of faith. Sometimes, you just need to jump.”
The house of 21º Taurus is where you are ready to jump.
I truly believe that for you, and for myself, too.
Jupiter and Uranus are meeting up here, asking us to take a leap of faith.
Taurus is notorious for its dislike for change. “If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it.”
Taurus is really good at one thing: stability. Humans are creatures of habit. We take solace in what is familiar. But, that means we can also get a little stuck.
The house of 21º Taurus in your chart is where you might’ve felt a little stuck.
Stuck in a belief. An approach. A way of being in the world, that probably no longer serves you anymore.
For me, Taurus rules my 11th house of community. I have been having SO much community activity these past few days. Helping me redefine what I want, what I will stand for, what brings me joy ahead of the spiritual workshop on April 21.
What about you? Where does 21º Taurus fall for you? What have you been noticing?
Here’s a tutorial I made on how to find it in your chart:
(You can check the house themes in the pinned comment!)
Jupiter-Uranus is coming along to wake us up. To open our eyes to something.
It is the first spark, but don’t expect everything to change overnight.
True change is slow. Rooted in the nervous system. Built on a solid foundation.
That is the wisdom that Taurus teaches us. 🐂
After all, Jupiter and Uranus only meet every 14 years. You have all the time in the world — to integrate, to process, to truly let this change land in your body.
But it all starts with a spark. So allow your perspective to shift. ✨
Take long walks. Lay on the ground. Let Mother Nature whisper to you. Allow the epiphanies to wash over you like waves. Know that there is nothing you truly need to do.
But if you do happen to feel the spark . . . I hope you honor it.
I hope you take a deep breath
— and jump. 🪂
In the vision quest, you face your fear, embrace your mortality, and then meet face-to-face with Spirit. When we feel stagnant, a vision quest brings our lives into perspective. We realize our flaws, our potential, and the opportunities life is now offering us. We remain on a vision quest until we find the key to open a new door or write a new chapter in our lives. (So Jupiter-Uranus coded! 🌞)
Find clarity by spending time alone in nature. If you live in a city, go for walks in a park. If you live in the country, make sure that you spend time outside, in contemplation. Get off the couch, get away from your desk, go outside! Spirit helps those who help themselves, so set your intention and ask Nature for a guiding vision for your life. 🌿 — The Mystical Shaman Oracle Deck
♉️ It’s wild how aligned this card pull was with Taurus season 🌞
We’ve reached the end of this newsletter! ❁ If you found it useful, inspiring, or eye-opening, join us in the paid community, where you can deepen your growth in the comments (open for paying readers) by sharing and learning with our budding community around the world. If you can’t afford to join us, consider buying me a coffee or simply sharing this post on Substack. Every like, restack and share means the absolute world to me ♡ Love you! 🌿
⊹ Coming up next for paid subs… Full Moon in Scorpio horoscopes ⊹
I teared up right towards the end of this post 💗 thank you so so much for sharing this. It's lovely to hear about your experiences. For me this transit will be in my 6th house and I have been working towards better habits, putting in effort to improve and maintain my health, generally just really showing up for myself more diligently. I'm also very much pulled to change careers or at least jobs, the exhaustion from my current one has recently peaked. There IS however already something on the horizon for me; I'll have a phone call later today. It's somewhat of a surprise yet I'm very open to it and I think the universe & spirit sees this. I feel like I'll be rewarded, at least I believe I will for how consistently I've been showing up for myself as I had promised myself.
Again, thank you so much for sharing this wisdom with us Gwen and I wish you the most amazing time on the 21st in community. Love you very much and so looking forward to seeing more from you 💗💗 I wish for you to be blessed beyond measure <3
Loved and enjoyed reading this dose of inspiration, thanks Gwen! Astrology is such a beautiful mirror... with the transit, I have been feeling a shake-up in my 2nd house and establishing my worth and value - but with it opposing my Mars chart ruler I am getting deep to really understand the details of it all ha Scorpio energyyyy xxx